Thursday, March 17, 2005

Saint Patricks Day Warning

Just a warning to all those who think you can get away with not wearing green. I have news for you. You CAN'T! Just try it if you don't believe me. You'll get pinched, by everyone. And it will hurt. And may cause a puncture wound which in turn could lead to a nasty infection, especially if they have dirty fingernails.

I don't have anything green, but I did spill guacamole on my new white blouse the other day, and havent yet washed it. So, I'll wear that to the office.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Some People are just too damned happy!

One of my friends at work, Polly, is having just TOO good a day! You KNOW that, when that happens, devastation is sure to follow.

Here is a portion of her email to me this afternoon, followed by my reply (in red).

Polly: It's going to be in the 80s all week long!! :)

me: Just think of all the poor little tender seedlings relying on cool moist spring air to grow, but will now burn and die. :-(

Polly: I get to drive home topless!! :-)

me: driving topless is the #1 cause of highway and road accidents in the U.S!! :-(

Polly: I FEEL BETTER!! :-)

me: For now, you mean. You still are a harbinger of bacteria!! :-(

I know I still have my Oscar Adventures to report. Please be patient. I've had a rough week.